Sunday, May 29, 2011

iStopmotion or Animationish??

I have chosen to do a music video for Tik Tok with iStopmtion. Using dolls to act out the parts of the characters in the music video. It will be based on the original music video but with some different twists. Watch out for more details!

Monday, May 23, 2011

iStopmotion preview

This movie was just for fun experimenting with items that were around me at the time :)
If your viewing it know it wasn't suppose to be a serious movie so enjoy =D

Drawing of the walking man

I forgot to put up on here how I was able to draw the walking man. Cause everyone knows that I'm not that skilled with drawing! Here is that picture that Mr Powell showed to us so that we were able to trace on the program Animation-ish.

Pretty cool huh?? :D

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Storyboard idea??

Here are some ideas for my story that I have had, but I don't know if I will use them?

- swimming film
- animation-ish film
- music video animation-ish or iStopmotion for:

- Grenade
- Tik Tok
- Til The World Ends

What do you think??

walking man across the screen

Here is the walking man actually walking across the screen! I hope you like it!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

walking man on the spot

Sorry guys had technological difficulties with trying to save the file my walking man was in :( but here's some good news, I am now going to post up the first walking man on the spot! How cool is that? Anyways so here it is.. hope you like it!!